I had a nightmare. I had a litter of kittens, but no mother cat, and there were some people trying to take them away, and they were super-powerful and unstoppable. They included various TV personalities. They did take the kittens in the end. The dream had a strong feeling of a recurring one in the dream - I thought this had happened before, but I don't recall a previous nightmare like this when I awoke.
The dream about having a litter of kittens but no mother cat, and people trying to take them away, suggests feelings of vulnerability and powerlessness in your waking life. The kittens represent something precious and vulnerable, possibly symbolizing ideas, projects, or personal growth. The absence of the mother cat could signify a lack of support or guidance in nurturing these aspects of yourself.
The presence of powerful and unstoppable figures, including TV personalities, may indicate external influences or pressures that you feel are taking away or hindering your personal growth and accomplishments. This could represent societal expectations, the influence of media, or perhaps the overpowering nature of certain individuals in your life.
The recurring aspect of the dream suggests that these feelings of vulnerability and powerlessness may be persistent or unresolved in your waking life. It could signify a recurring theme or pattern that you need to address and find a way to overcome.
Overall, this dream suggests a need to assert yourself and find ways to protect and nurture your personal aspirations and growth, even in the face of influential external forces. It may be helpful to reflect on situations in your waking life where you similarly feel challenged and endangered, and find strategies to exert your own power and protect what is important to you.